Details for this torrent 

Big Trouble in Little China: Fully Engorged Workprint V2 NTSC
Video > Movies DVDR
4.37 GB

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+1 / -13 (-12)

Dec 16, 2007

What is it about? This extends the original movie with seven additional scenes 

tagline:The Adventure Just Got Bigger? 

Original film name: : Big Trouble in Little China 
New film name : Big Trouble in Little China: Fully Engorged Workprint V2 NTSC 
Film studio name : 20th Century Fox 
Edit crew name : nOmArch 
Date Original Film Was Released : 1986 
Date Edit Was Released : September 2007 
Original Runtime : 95 Mins 
New Runtime : 108 Mins 
Amount of time Cut/Added : 13 MIns Added 



95% of all Deleted Scenes have been restored to the movie 
Extended Airport and Chinatown (various scenes throughout, mi ling speaks) 
Extended Dragon of the Black Pool Scene (explantion of Lo Pans past) Extended White Tiger Brothel (Kurt Russell does comedy) 
Extended Gracies Office (The seahorse line now makes sense) 
Extended Thunders Tour (we actually get a tour now) 
Six Demon Bag (13 mins of little odds and ends; about 10 mins got used) 
Extended Ending (we now see the red car ninjas get their just reward) 

DVD Details: 

Audio is AC3 2 Channel Stereo. 
Static Menu 
Edit Info 
Scene Selection 

Your intention for this fanedit: 

To make BTiLC a more enjoyable experience by fleshing out the story. 

Your way to achieve your intention: 

Added 95% of all Deleted Scenes back in the film. 

Hardware and software information:

DVD Decrypter 
VirtualDubMOd 1.5 
Womble MPEG Video Wizard 
Cinema Craft Encoder 
Paint Shop Pro 9 
CoolEdit Pro 2 
DVD-Lab Pro 2 

Additional Comment: 

This is the V2 of my original Big Trouble in Little China extended edit, a couple of things have been fixed with this version, including some minor sync issues, deinterlaced deleted scenes cleaned up and a conversion to NTSC for maximum player compatibility. 

Time needed for the edition: 3 or 4 days on and off. 

Persons involved: 1 



sounds cool! looking forward to watching this, the original is one of my favorite movies.

There appears to be no-one seeding this at the mo. Anyone else having this problem?
I would ask people to take note of the title of this edit, the word workprint is quite important. the deleted scenes came in two flavours the workprint version where the picture quality was pretty good but there were SFX and other things missing and were also imcomplete. the other version was from betamax transfer and while the quality was horrible they had all the SFX and more importantly were complete.

so what i did was completely rebuild all the used deleted scenes using the workprint versions as the base and adding in sound fx and video where needed to achieve the highest audio/video quality.

it took quite a lot of extra work but i think it was worth it in the end but due to to the varying quality of some scenes (only about 5 or 6 minutes in total) i decided to call this a 'Workprint' edition.

hope you enjoy the movie!

It still has synch problems. I double checked and it was the V2 torrent that I DL'd not the other one. Awesome edit overall but the synch issues bring it down. I might even try fix them myself eventually MPEGeditor but last time I tried to do that it was really confusing and I gave up.
But good work overall and thanks for sharing.
no one seeding???